Developing employees is one of the most valuable things you can do for your business. Not only does it create an opportunity for them to grow personally and professionally, 但它对你的业务的整体增长也是必不可少的. 如果你的员工没有学习和成长,你的企业也不会. The best way to prepare your business for the future is to identify and develop future leaders in your organization.

Creating an intentional strategy for developing employees is one of the most important things you can do as a leader to impact the culture of your organization. 对于那些你认为是未来领导者的人来说尤其如此.

In fact, it might be the most important factor in preventing them from leaving your organization. Employees who leave their job within two years often cite being unhappy with how their leadership skills were being developed as the primary reason. 同时, those intending to stay with their organization for more than five years are twice as likely to be part of an intentional process for personal development.

然而, many business leaders don’t know where to start when it comes to developing employees for future success. They recognize the importance of investing in employees but don’t often have a formal plan in place. 在大多数情况下, developing employees is left up to each individual manager—and there’s no systematic process.

培养员工个性的4种方法 & 专业未来的成功

那么,如何为未来的成功培养员工呢? 以下是一些你可以在任何行业使用的策略:

1. 帮助员工设定职业发展目标.

帮助你的团队 专业发展 goals in addition to the work-related objectives is a great way to develop employees. 鼓励他们考虑五年后的目标, 设定具体的目标,帮助他们实现目标.

我们发现最好将这些目标限制在每个审查阶段三个. Doing so allows employees to concentrate on their specific objectives and attain more measurable success.

2. 有意地为你的员工投资继续教育项目.

Some businesses provide incentives or stipends for employees pursuing higher degrees of education. 但是, that’s not the only way to invest in the ongoing learning and growth of your employees. It could be something as simple as creating a 专业发展 budget that employees can use to attend industry conferences or purchase books that will help them grow as a leader.

3. 鼓励员工参加专业组织.

参加当地的, 区域, 国家, or inter国家 conferences or workshops hosted by a professional organization is another great way to invest in the growth of your employees.

将它们连接到网络提供了一种获得额外支持的方法, 建议, 以及如何在专业和个人方面成长的信息. 这也为该组织提供了另一位商业形象大使.

4. 委派责任是帮助员工成长的一种方式.

Every leader knows that delegation is important to free up the time to do what you do best. 但是, 授权对你的员工也有好处. 对一些员工来说, 被要求承担额外的工作是非常激励人的, as they feel you trust them and care enough to help them continue their 专业发展.


虽然领导者具有一些明显的特质(1).e. 积极主动,工作努力,善于与人相处等.),这里有一些你可以寻找的具体特征:

1. 未来的领导者自然会吸引追随者.

好的领导是会传染的. 如果你想在你的团队中找到一个未来的领导者, 寻找每个人都喜欢在身边的人. If people respect this person now, they’ll have an easier time respecting his or her leadership.

2. 未来的领导者很容易在会议中被发现.

这并不意味着他们总是分享自己的想法. 而不是, 潜在的领导者会提出正确的问题, 学习更多, 甚至挑战现状.

3. 未来的领导者能够解决问题.

好的领导者是问题解决者. 如果你想在你的组织中找到一个潜在的未来领导者, find out if he or she is gifted in solving problems and being proactive about creating solutions.

4. 未来的领导者会给你的团队带来有价值的想法.

优秀的领导者会听取他人的意见和想法. If you think a person might have the ability to become a key leader in your organization, 带他或她参加一个更高级别的会议,看看互动如何. 他提供价值吗?? 她的想法和意见诚实吗? 如果是这样,那么这个人就展示了支持伟大想法的能力.

5. 未来的领导者能够处理压力.

压力是把煤变成钻石的催化剂. 如果你想在你的组织中识别和发展领导者, 给他们一项任务或任务,让他们走出自己的舒适区. You’ll be able to see how they handle a glimpse of the pressure that comes with any leadership role.

这取决于你组织的规模, you might have 2-3 or 20-30 individuals who possess the traits of growing into leadership. 下一步是帮助他们成长.


如果你想在你的组织中有意培养未来的领导者, 以下是需要考虑的几个关键问题:

1. 创建一个导师计划.

培养领导者需要目的性. 如果没有适当的系统和流程来支持它,它就不会发生. 这并不复杂. It could be as simple as hosting a brown bag lunch once a month or allowing older generation employees to leave a couple hours early to take a younger generation employee out for coffee after work.

2. Help older generation leaders see the value in investing in younger generation leaders.

Encourage your senior managers to serve as mentors and role models to your younger leaders. This will help future leaders learn the ropes more quickly and form good habits from leading others.

3. 让未来的领导者承担责任,即使这意味着他们可能会失败.

When young leaders are empowered, they become deeply responsible for the authority given to them. 然而,许多年轻的领导者害怕承担可能导致他们失败的风险. Encouraging young leaders to take risks and helping them navigate through unknown situations is an incredibly valuable way to create loyalty and help them grow.


The concept of developing future leaders (or lack thereof) is just the latest iteration of the truth that “人们离开的是经理,而不是公司.“然而, creating a system for developing leaders isn’t just about improving employee retention in the short run. There’s something bigger to it: It enables you to create a lifelong impact on the people you lead.


Every business is made up of unique individuals with a variety of passions, interests, and talents. If you’re unsure about how to create the best employee development plan for your team, 我们LBMC就业合作伙伴可以提供帮助. 与我们联系 today to see how we can help you set up a 专业发展 plan for your employees. Our team can work with you to collaborate on the ideas and challenges you have when it comes to developing future leaders within your organization.
